Direct Fired Convective Heaters

Typical units include:
- Water Bath
- Hot Oil Bath
- Salt Bath
- Propane Vaporizer
Offered in the below configurations:
- Indirect Heater with Horizontal Separator
- Indirect Heater with Vertical Separator
Indirect heaters are available from 0.1 to 25 MM Btu/Hr

Direct Fired Convective Heaters

Typical units include:
- Glycol Water Heaters
- Reboilers (DEA, MEA, MDEA, DGA)
- Natural Gas Heaters
- Regeneration Gas Heaters
- Thermal Fluid Heaters
- Cryogenic Vaporizers
(LNG, Propane, Ethylene, Nitrogen, etc.)
- Crude Oil Heaters
Convective direct fired heaters achieve up to 90% thermal efficiency with safe and reliable
operation. Available with all instruments, piping and wiring pre-tested at the plant.

Gas Filtration Equipment

Filter Separators:
- Gas – Dust
- Gas – Liquid
- Liquid – Solids
- Liquid – Liquid
- Activated Carbon Filters
- Coalescers
Designed to eliminate mist, fog, scale, and dust particles. Available in
vertical and horizontal configurations, GasTech filters provide easy access
for servicing the filter elements.
Forward flow (outside-to-inside) and reverse flow (inside-to-outside)
elements generally provide 99.9% filtration of 0.1 micron and larger liquid
droplets and solid particulates


Separation capabilities include:
- Gas – Liquid – Liquid (3-Phase)
- Liquid – Gas (2-Phase)
- Liquid – Liquid (2-Phase)
- High Volume Gas Scrubbers
- Knockouts
- Slug Catchers
- Cyclones, Vanes, Wire Mesh
Internals utilized for separation include cyclones, vane mist extractors,
wire mesh mist extractors, and filtration elements. We offer separators
in both vertical and horizontal formats. Instrumentation is provided
with separator vessels to ensure proper operation and safety


Dehydration capabilities include:
- Gas & Liquid Dehydration
- Glycol – Absorption: TEG
- Dry Desiccant – Adsorption: Molecular sieve
- Calcium Chloride Dryers
- CO2 Dryers
- Associated Emission Abatement
We provide engineering, design, manufacturing, and commissioning of glycol and adsorption
dehydration systems in standard or custom design. Our design capabilities range from reliable
gas patch and oil field units to high performance and specification off-shore units.

Sweeting Equipment

Product Line Includes:
- CO2 Removal
- H2S Removal
- COS Removal
- Tail Gas Cleanup
We offer units using MEA, DEA, MDEA, DGA,
Sulfolane, as well as Proprietary Amine.
Modules or large plants.